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PlusRecord Gas Prices Changing Summer Travel PlansRecord Gas Prices Changing Summer Travel PlansThe Associated PressRecord-high gas prices will only lead to a small dip in the number of Americans travelling over the Memorial Day weekend, but many people are changing the way they travel. (May 22)[Notes:ANCHOR VOICE] (plane nats)No matter which way you plan to travel,(train nats)Chances are...(highway nats)It will cost you more this summer.(nats at gas event)That's why some people lined up for more than five hours for a chance to get 40-dollars in free gas at this Washington D-C gas station.(SOT: KARINA PRICE/WON FREE GAS)(12:42:44) JUST $40 SAVED FOR MY WEEKEND. NOW I CAN SPEND MY $40 ON THE WEEKEND. (SOT: ADELAIDE KEARNEY/WON FREE GAS)(12:38:30) THIS IS GOING TO HELP ME GET TO WHERE I AM GOING ON THE WEEKEND. I'M GOING OUT OF TOWN. BUT NOT FAR.Triple-A says the number of Americans travelling this Memorial Day weekend will be down about one-percent compared to last year. But, that figure doesn't tell the whole story.(SOT: MIKE PINA/AAA)(14:53:59) THERE IS RESEARCH SHOWING THAT WHEN GAS PRICES ARE HIGHER PEOPLE TEND TO TAKE SHORTER TRIPS, THEY TEND TO TAKE FEWER TRIPS AND THEY SPEND LESS MONEY ON INCIDENTALS LIKE SOUVENIRS.(SOT: GEORGE ESTELLE/TRIPS WITH GEORGE)(12:59:05) NORMALLY WHAT WE SEE IS A LOT OF CUSTOMERS WHO'LL COME TO US AND MAYBE TAKE SEVERAL VACATIONS OVER THE YEAR. WHAT PEOPLE ARE NOW DOING IS THEY'RE BEING A LITTLE MORE SENSITIVE AND NOT PLANNING AS MANY OUT OF TOWN VACATIONS. Record fuel prices have pushed up airline fares. And American Airlines just announced new fees--including a 15-dollar charge for the first checked bag. That has some people reconsidering the way they travel.(SOT: CRAIG CLARK)(FAA 4:20) IN THE PAST WE'D OFTEN FLY DOWN TO THE OUTER BANKS OF NC AND THIS YEAR BECAUSE I'VE GOT 3 KIDS AND HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THEIR AIRFARE IT MAY BE SOMETHING THAT MAKES ME DRIVE INSTEAD OF FLY. (SOT: PHIL WHITE)(1:26) JUST STAY CLOSE TO HOME. GO TO SOME OF THE PARKS AT HOME. MIGHT GO TO A BALL GAME.Triple-A says it's likely that the number of Americans travelling beyond Memorial Day will also be down compared to last year. But the automobile association says one prediction hasn't come true--rising gas prices haven't stopped people from travelling altogether. ___ ___, The Associated Press.

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